As you may recall, we recently initiated a rebranding effort to better reflect our commitment to you and your financial journey.

Our new name? Claire Reid Wealth Advisory. 

Here is what it means to us, and more importantly, to you. 

The Significance of Claire Reid  

Claire and Reid are the cherished middle names of some of our close direct family members, symbolizing the importance of family and legacy in what we do. This shift from a single person's name to a familial representation underscores our desire to be more inclusive, catering to multiple generations and fostering a broader appeal. While the name has changed, Barry Rucks remains the sole owner, ensuring continuity and stability in our services.

The name "Claire Reid" embodies our steadfast dedication to treating our clients like family and safeguarding their investments and financial planning with the utmost care. It signifies a personalized approach, mirroring the individual attention and commitment we strive to provide. We carefully chose this name transition as we reached the final stages of the name approval process, including successful trademarking and the absence of adverse claims.

On Our Alliance with LPL Financial

Rest assured, our alliance with LPL Financial, our independent broker/dealer, remains unchanged. Business operations continue seamlessly, and its business as usual for our valued clients.

What to Expect

Your accounts and the relationship we've built together remain intact. You can anticipate the same unwavering commitment, personalized attention, and dedication to your financial well-being. We are sincerely grateful for the confidence you have placed in us and look forward to our continued journey together. Should you have any questions or require further clarification, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Thank you for your confidence and partnership.